
Our Service Offerings

ASL Interpretation

As a company, not an agency, we invite American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters to contract with us based on integral factors, not solely on skill level. A contractor must demonstrate a commitment to team work, possess personal and professional integrityrespect for and involvement with the communities we serve.

Community Resources

We will list Community events and activities that are affordable and accessible for Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, Deaf-Blind or late-deafened community members. Join us for our monthly Community Happy Hour [CHH] at a local Manhattan restaurant/bar where you can eat and drink with old friends, meet new people, have great conversations, and when we can, we invite a Community member to talk about their work, hobbies, travels. No interpretation provided.


Not all Deaf or Hard of Hearing individuals use sign language or prefer a visual/gestural language to enhance their communication. Therefore, All HANDS IN MOTION provides speech-to-text services using laptops and trained professionals in several transcription modes: verbatim/CART services or meaning for meaning/TypeWell™.